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Here are some great links to other sites. To visit a site, simply click on the underlined words and you will jump to that site!


http://www.esosoft.net Searching for Web Space? Visit this company!
http://www.winfiles.com The greatest source of programs for Windows95/98/NT.
http://www.microsoft.com Visit the largest software company in the world.
http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts Get many free CGI scripts (Guestbook, WWWBoard, etc.)
http://www.cgi-resources.com Links to many CGI Scripts and other items for your web site.
http://www.cnet.com Find help and many other things at C|Net.
http://www.javascriptsource.com Cut & Paste JavaScripts.
http://www.xe.net/currency The universal currency converter.
http://www.pricewatch.com Want to buy something for your PC? Find the cheapest price!
http://www.linkexchange.com Get your free on-line ad.
http://www.bluemountain.com Send your friends wonderfully designed Web postcards.
http://www.altavista.com A great search engine for finding information on the Net.
http://www.hotbot.com Another search engine.



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